Thursday, April 20, 2006

Silent Hill..Arrives!

APRIL 21st :)
Finally, The long awaited movie SILENT HILL,
comes to the theaters.
I for one am excited.
The Silent Hill series is one of the most
if not THE scariest franchises ever to come out.
Personally, I bought All four games,
and I am still working on SH 1.
(my gameshark won't work on no 2. so I am dreading playing it)
I own them , I'll take as long as I like!
But if you have ever played these games,
late at night,
ALONE, with the sound turned up,
*shivers*.... we'll you know what I mean!
Talk about a mind trip!
Finally we the fans get our movie version.
And from the previews of the movie ,
it looks to be just as stunning as the games!
Thank god Uwe Boll was no where near this!!!
So, when Fri , April 21st, (TOMORROW),
rolls around.....
Have a nice journey HELL!!


Blogger carnbyds said...


I like videogames too...
Yep...Silent hill is nice...but the best is yet SH4....damn creepy..locked up in your room and not being able to get out...

Thu Apr 20, 09:40:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Misty said...

I know.. I haven't even started on it. I'm too scared lol.
I think I am waiting for my son to grow older and just watch him play :) And follow a guide to tell him what to do!

Thu Apr 20, 09:46:00 AM PDT  

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